G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 Relaunch Your Title | FIVE STONES
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RelaunchYour Book

  • Rebranded cover in ebook, paperback, hardcover and audiobook versions.

  • ISBN's registered to author for ebook, paperback and hardcover versions.

  • Interior formatting for digital, paperback and hardcover versions.

  • Assist author in title and subtitle creation, or recreation.

  • Develop product description, blurb, keywords, categories and metadata.

  • Publish completed book into network of direct retailers and global wholesale distribution to include over 39,000 potential sales channels such as bookstores, churches, schools and libraries.

  • Tracking and management of monthly book sales and regular royalty payments.

  • Landing page for promoting sales, collecting reader emails and notifying subscribers of official launch and updates.

  • Book cover media graphic package. 

​NOTE: To Relaunch your book, you must:


  • Own the rights to the work.

  • Not be legally obligated to any other publisher for distribution.

  • Have a professionally edited manuscript.

  • Delist your title at all distribution networks.

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