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I’m Shaping Up: Week 5

South Louisiana Tradition

Shaping Up

Awesome Monday to all & it’s time to change the weekly title of this positive effort. I’m Shaping Up is just what it describes. I’ve been blessed to gain encouragement, training and diet support needed to launch a sensible approach to regaining my fitness.

Last week I introduced you to Lt. Kim Lane of the Thibodaux Police Department who volunteered to help with a diet that I could understand and most importantly; follow. It’s been a solid week and I have not strayed from this diet! If you can only imagine how much I love late-night ice cream, you would truly be impressed with this nutritional accomplishment.

Eating 5 to 6 times per day, I’ve yet to become hungry. Kim did promise I would turn into a “fat burning machine,” and I’m going to hold her to that promise by sticking to mine. I’m shaping up!

Time to Do More

Nicholls State University Baseball

Nicholls State University Baseball

The exercise routine remains consistent. Just for fun I played racquetball. The guy sharing the court asked if I knew the rules. Neither of us did, so we just agreed to keep the ball moving. When I told him the last time playing was about 30 years ago during my undergrad at the University of Southern Mississippi, his look told me that it was longer ago than he was alive. No room for ego, it was time for shaping up.

I went to bed earlier (between mid-night & 0100hrs), woke up earlier and felt like time was mine to schedule.

Last week John Marx at CopsAlive.com and I joked about shaping up and why do we do it. I told him there were different reasons based on your age. We kidded about making a list of Young Cop Reasons and Old Cop Reasons!

Despite the generational variances, holistic survival is the key to a happy and productive personal and professional life.

Shaping Up Team Member Lt. Kim Lane

Lt. Kim Lane

Lt. Kim Lane

Kim worked the night shifts last week, so our communications time was limited. Although its beautiful spring weather, she does stress the importance of proper hydration. It’s tough when you are not sweating buckshot. Crystal Light helps. Good luck to Kim as she is just 16 weeks out from her National Competition.

Continuing a Healthy Partnership with CopsAlive.com

Spiritual Survival

Spiritual Survival

Focusing on spiritual survival and prayer life has also benefited me as a part of the holistic approach to shaping up. This Easter holiday in south Louisiana’s Cajun Country meant pounds of steaming red boiled crawfish with everything from hotdogs to cauliflower thrown into the pot. This feast is a tradition on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Oh, and every chocolate cake and candy you can imagine. My favorite is the Gold Brick Egg(s). Honestly, I stuck to a portion of boiled shrimp equally about 40 grams of protein and a few cucumber slices. After a week of acclimating to this diet, I’m not going to blow it.

Speaking of holistic health, CopsAlive.com have highlighted a great new service for 1st Responders. Check it out HERE

Week 5

Here’s to holding each other accountable when the couch looks inviting and the snacks endless.


– 217 lbs (Good dieting habits)


– Ran (intervals and steady paced jogging. Mostly influenced by time allowance).

– Short interval session on bike trainer due to time crunch.

– Weights 3 days. Mixing up moderate free weights and Cybex machines. Always aware of techniques. STILL LOOKING for Exercise Advisor to Join the Team.


– The secretary’s dish? A temptation of the past!

– The great thing about a diet plan that is spelled out is the planning & preparation. I ate 4 out of 5 lunches at restaurants, and EVERY dinner eating at home! I’m super proud and amazed by this. I bet its been 20 years since able to claim that.

– Overall, a very good week of being more aware of intake.

UNO Ring & BP

– Same as last week’s efforts to shove it on and then twist it off. BP stuck in the range of 160s/90s. It’s not magic and takes a consistent effort.

Monday – Sunday Goals:

– Weight at 215 lbs (I’ve changed my attitude & post Title!) Still, it takes gradual steps for effecting sustainable change.

– Eat sensible lunch at home 2 days

– Earn 2 hour food cheat at the end of first 14 days of this diet.

How was your Easter? What is your favorite Easter candy?
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