G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 I’m Shaping Up | Week 15
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I’m Shaping Up | Week 15

Lt. Lane's Training Guide

I’m Shaping Up; Week 15

This week I returned to the joy of being a multi-sport athlete. I went out for a 25 mile cycle through the sugarcane fields, and upon returning home I immediately changed into shorts and running shoes.

Exiting the house while rehydrating, I immediately went to the shed and grabbed the lawnmower to cut the lawn before another evening thunder shower.

Well, it wasn’t the traditional multi-sport event, but it was two activities that independently used to leave me exhausted.

Inspired, the next day I did cycle then run (well Jog) (actually Walked) at the high school track. It felt great other than the searing pain transitioning from bike to run, but OH, do I miss those triathlon T-Stages.


Week 15

Here’s to holding each other accountable when the couch looks inviting and the snacks endless.


– Don’t know. Seriously, didn’t even step on the scale.


– Had to remain creative to fit in exercise as school’s out requires more Kiddo time for camps and pizza nights.

– Late night biking on the trainer. Who knew what an effective sleep aid that would be?


– Moderation mixed with substituting lunch times with yoga, followed up with meal replacement shake.

UNO Ring & BP

– BP stayed in the 130s range. Consistency. Started spot checking resting HR, and it settles about 52 bmp resting.

– The UNO ring slips on and off without hanging up on swollen knuckles or fat fingers.

Animal locomotion. Plate 324 (Boston Public Li...

Monday – Sunday Goals:

– five days of cycling. At least one day followed by grass cutting.

– No yoga sessions. I guess the instructor is entitled to a vacation. Have fun. Continue stretching routine though.

– The increase in cycling caused me to stop weight lifting, so I want to make three mornings in the gym.

– bring lunches to work or prepared meal at home. – Increase hydration.

How are your efforts going? Don’t just read this and dismiss it. Make a commitment today. You have peer support, CopsAlive.com expertise, and a champion fitness advisor all ready to help.

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