G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 How Obedience After Retirement Led To A New Business Serving Christ
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How Obedience After Retirement Led To A New Business Serving Christ

I sat down with Mike Thakur of WorkLodge to talk about what retirement looked like after a career of public service. To be frank; retirement sucked!


What I thought was going to be my golden years after a hard and dangerous career that included 12 years working undercover narcotics and 16 years as a SWAT commander before retiring as a chief of police, dumped me in a dark wilderness season. That season lasted almost one and a half years and the left me in complete despair.


It was obedience that finally led me out of my own way. God was trying to do a mighty work in my life and my selfish, self-reliance wouldn’t allow me to hand it over to Him. Just when I didn’t think I could hold on for one more day, God moved because He now had my complete surrender to do whatever it was He’d been trying to do in my life.

Watch Mike and I discuss changing gears and careers with God at the lead. Working for the kingdom has benefits. Who am I kidding; the only benefits that eternally matter come with working to build God’s kingdom. Learn how you too can create new opportunities in your life through obedience.


Thanks to my wilderness experience, my mentor and pastor, Adam McCain and I wrote Favored Not Forgotten. We show you why we must experience the obscure seasons in life prior to God’s elevation. I know it feels like it, but you are not being punished. You are being prepared for promotion. Let me prove it to you!

Praying For You

There is freedom waiting for you on the other side of tough times. I’m praying that you begin to identify the blessings in your life and focus on them until you breakthrough into a new, anointed light. PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need someone to walk through the process with you.

Make sure to get connected at Five Stones Church.Online – we have an incredible community and small groups.

Much Love & Respect, Scott

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